August 14, 2004

get ready for 2008...

okay america...i don't think you're ready for this...but...let's remake The Wiz...that 1978 Diana Ross/Michael Jackson nightmare...the less said about it the though...there is no better conglomeration of black talent that could make it happen...and erase the ugly memory of Ms Ross playing a teenage girl...your cast:

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Dorothy is played by Alicia Keys (further review has brought us to our senses.)

Andre3000 is The Scarecrow ('nuff said)

Bernie Mac plays the The Cowardly Lion

Don Cheadle plays The Tin Man (I don't know if he can sing, but this is the one role, outside of The Wiz that requires serious acting chops)

(hold onto your crowns, here comes the stunt casting:)

Halle Berry as the Wicked Witch of the West

Queen Latifah as Good Witch Glenda

and finally The Wiz:

Mr George Clinton

I propose this now so it can be released in time with the 30th anniversary of the stinky original...okay America let's make it happen!

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