August 13, 2004

first person, third person...

recent road trip allowed me to finish three books long on my to be read list...shopgirl...hey nostradamus...forever...goood books all...of the three...coupland's is be honest, i went into this book only knowing that it dealt with a columbine like goes so much further than a writer, i enjoyed the mutiple first person could have been stunt writing, but it wasn' felt comparison...martin's shoipgirl is written in the third person...i don't know if it was because oof the language he used, or if it was just a by roduct of his outlook...but it just felt like he held his disdain...maybe it's because he uses twenty dollar words...words no one uses on a daily basis...not at the bus stop...not in the coffeeshop...and certainly not in the bar...his new book is supposed to be first person...maybe...we'll see...

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