on new years eve ms scribe and i hung out with brotha shoun...we discussed many things...we talked about this...we talked about that...we talked about...you know... black man stuff...another thing we talked about was a favorite subject of mine...being angry black men...
surprise, surprise...i've had issues with anger...i would dare say that at some point in the life of every black american man...there is anger...overwhelming, blood churning, death dealing anger...
i've been to that place...and i've done some dumb shit when i was there...beyond dumb...stupid dumb...
i call it...i hate myself and everyone like me...no, check that...i hate everything...including myself...
it's appropriate that on the same night shoun and i were were talking about...the black man's burden...black men were hatin' on each other...and one in particular got shot up...no matter who it was...it's sad...and now people are...shocked...appalled...
problem is...no one is lighting up talk radio about the kid who got stabbed at a party on christmas...hey, that's par for the course...when a sports celebrity becomes a victim of the same kind of violence that black folk fall prey to everyday...no one's calling it... incomprehensible...mr williams is not the first and only black man to die a random, senseless, violent death...let's try not to forget that...