spoke with an army medic who is getting ready to ship out for his second tour in iraq...bagdad to be precise...i resisted asking about...over there...i'm sure every stranger he meets is all over him with questions...but then...he brings it up himself...so from his mouth...to your eyes...my third party report from an army medic who's served in iraq...
he's focused on his mission...saving lives...but...he doesn't want to be there...he doesn't think we should have gone there in the first place...he doesn't get out of the green zone often...except to provide medical aid to iraqi citizens...who don't want us there...the winning of hearts and minds...the facilities are first rate...which keeps troop morale up...and their minds off all the death and dismemberment...well...unless someone you know has been blown to bits...anyway...it's more dismemberment than death...lots of blown off limbs...amputees, he says...and now that the...insurgents...have added suicide bombing to their arsenal...the field hospital...which just got moved to one of saddam's palaces...is a lot busier...he just wants to do his time and come back home...