August 28, 2008

I'm not a party animal...

I enjoy politics from a distance...I enjoy the tug of war of ideas...but I'm not a flag waver...there are very few things I will cheer or clap for...especially in a group environment...I'm even suspicious of doing the wave...the mob mentally is an ugly face of humanity...

So...why is this...political rally...a big deal???it's history...

so far, i've been more interested in bird dogging the network news booths...the fact the they parked fox news right next to nbc...but the msnbc booth is as far away as looks like al-jezzera is here...the fact that ann curry has a front row seat...the camera that flys over the field during games... i finally got to see how one of those work....

These are the things that i've found interesting so far...the music has been dull...the speakers, boring...i'm surrounded by union yahoos...but here I bear witness...

next...obama speaks...
Showing up is not enough.

James P. Johnson

August 27, 2008

i've got a goolden tiiicket...

me and 70+ thousand other yahoos...and yes, they're nosebleeds...

August 26, 2008

hurricane two...

ms scribe has a a longtime dem...she worked in the clinton white house...with vince foster...she was one of Tim Russert's sources on the linda tripp story...and she is staying in our home while she works for the convention...she's got stories...i hope to share some of them here with you...


watching HRC give her speech thoughts turned to...Shirley Chisholm...if you don't know the name...and the history associated with it...look it up...i'll be here when you get back...

just a reminder that this year is not the first year this kind of history has been made...

August 24, 2008

Denver DNC lunancy...

we have a guest in our home this week...she's a friend of ms. Scribe... and she's here to work on the convention...there's a lot more to tell, so stay tuned...

Showing up is not enough.

James P. Johnson

August 18, 2008

monday night movie...klute...

seeing how ms scribe is all occupied with going back to school...i find myself looking for something to do on monday what do i do...six pack of beer and a movie...old bachelor habits don't die...they hibernate...

i love this movie...

not just because i think it's the only watchable movie jane fonda ever made...

not just because it was released in one of the greatest years ever for movies...ever...

not just for the whole 70's dingy NYC vibe...

it's donald sutherland's stoic, enigmatic detective that holds the whole thing together...and keeps this one on my shelf...

Book in a week wrap up...

well, all-in-all, a good week...i baled on writing friday and excuses..i could have done at least 20% it is, I wrote my page was so small...i am embarassed to post the # here...I fufilled it with little effort...this is my pattern...the song never seems to change...and the dance just goes on...the good news's been my formula for success...most of what I wrote last week was good...raw still, but good...a good place to start from...i just have to be patient...or...change the formula...take bigger to the exclusion of all scribe would love she says...i am the tortoise...and she is the hare...

August 16, 2008

happy birthday blog...let's go to the movies...

you were born this month six years ago...the same month as Charles Bukowski's birthday...which is scribe & i celebrated by going to see Vicky Cristina Barcelona last night...

what does a woody allen movie have to do with Buk...and you...of course you...always you...i'll tell ya...

it's no secret that that Mr. Bukowski's work is an inspiration to me...maybe it's obvious, but in my personal taxonomy of creativity...without woody allen, there is no Buk...

allow me to explain...

first it's a simple matter of chronology...i knew woody allen's work first...more than that, allen's work was the first place i encountered a frank exploration of adult relationships...even before i was capable of having one of my own...when i started reading Bukowski i was deeply entangled relationships...but i didn't understand what the hell was going on...his work helped...

now there may be some who balk at the suggestion of Bukowski and allen as creative kin...maybe i see it, the only difference between the two is one of milieu...moneyed east coast elites or poor west coast bohos...they're all struggling for/against the same human condition...oh, and Buk's characters curse...a lot...

so this is a long way around getting to the point...which is...if you like either of these artists...if you like this blog...i highly recommend Vicky Cristina Barcelona...i think you'll enjoy it...

August 13, 2008

hey amateur...listen up...

yeah, that's you fucko...i know the trains are all shiny and new...and that you only really use them to act like a tourist downtown...but that's no excuse to ride like a schmuck...

here are a few helpful hints to make the lives of your fellow commuters a bit easier...

#1 - if every seat is taken, move to the middle of the car...try not to create a knot of human flesh right in front of the doors...pretend that you are a thinking, breathing human being...and not cattle...

#2 - if you are sitting in said taken seat...amid a full car...get up and offer it to someone who really needs it...the aged, the infirm, a mother with an arm load of kids and selfish bastard...

#3 - if the train pulls into the station...the doors open...and it's so full that it's asses and elbows everywhere you look...don't try to stuff yourself on anyway...there's another one coming in 15 minutes...and it will probably be empty...relax...breathe the fresh air...lord knows i don't want to have to inhale your overpriced, over applied eau de you step on my foot...

as a matter of fact these very same rules apply to the bus...not that you would ever deign to find yourself on one of those...thank least poor crazy drunks have more manners than you...

August 12, 2008

word of the week...



a hieroglyphic character or symbol; a pictograph.

August 11, 2008

book in a one...

i'm already a third of the way through my page goal...either i under promised...or i've over delivered...we'll see...


this both fascinates...and stupefies...i could watch it all day...thanks gary...

best rickroll...ever...clever...funny...thanks shannon...

the first time i saw anything like this was wax audio's Imagine This...much less funny...

August 10, 2008

choosing your weapons...

getting ready for BIW...i pull out my favorite tools...

the rolling writer...

and the comp book...

and hope like hell i meet my page count...

August 6, 2008

i love new york...

stuck on the cross bronx expressway...

August 3, 2008

Super Lunch!...

quick notes from philadelphia...

for some odd reason...a lot Philadelphian's walk around talking to themselves...and no they were not wearing bluetooth headsets...

if i lived here, i'd be a regular at...nodding head brewery...

byob restaurants...where they cook the food...and you bring the drinks...this is a concept Denver needs...

one way to tell that the south begins in philly...all the women call you sweety...