(warning...i'm about to shoot my mouth off...try not to take it personally...it's not about you...mostly, i'm just trying to justify myself...to myself...)
let's get this straight from the start...there are bloggers who can write...really well...damn well...and they're serious about their writing...
i just don't see a lot of writers taking blogging too seriously...
what's the difference...if you spend your days sifting internet wheat from chaff and then linking the good stuff...that's blogging...if you post pictures of your life...that's blogging...if you spend your days tracking...and commenting on socio/political events...that's blogging...if you're obsessed with hit counts...the future of advertising...the rankings of other bloggers...and what they're writing about...that's blogging...actually that's metablogging...
writers just seem to want to tell a story...maybe their own story...maybe something made up...maybe a little of both...maybe talk about writing...maybe promote their work...or the work of others...
none of these are small ambitions...so...why the distinction...who needs it...i guess i do....
in the tradition of this journal...there is no criticism without self critique...so, what am i...writer, or blogger...writers write...everyday...until recently i could boast that i did...but situations change...and the one i'm in will change again...and i will be writing everyday again...very soon...whenever i do sit down at this keyboard to write...i ask myself that same question everytime...what are you...most days...i can answer that question with no trace of self delusion...i am a writer...
on other days i look at myself and see...a writer who is distracted by blogging...make no mistake...posting everyday is not the same thing as...writing everyday...make no mistake...not everything written is worthy of the light of day...most of the time...the words need prodding and polishing...make no mistake...while there are bloggers who can write...being a blogger is not the same thing as being a writer...
which one are you...which one do you want to be...
Johnny Cash Loves You!