oh yeah...PBS nails it...once again
"The obvious road is almost always the fool's road" William Burroughs
November 14, 2004
better than even money...
what i'm doing with my life is the equivalent of buying a lottery ticket...most people can'rt wrap their heads around that...the few that can...have been comedians...actors...artists...creatives...let me break it dowen...instead of giving up acouple of bucks out of my pocket...i've given up a stable income...a healthy relationship or two...you know...normal people shit...in the past, i've put my writing on the side...for the benefit of...finances...the emotional needs of others...you know...bullshit...my life is a bet...odds are...not in my favor...so you can imagine how fortunate i am to have a girlfriend who does the two most imortant things anyone in my position could want...believe in me...and push me...don't bet against me...
oh yeah...PBS nails it...once again
Johnny Cash Loves You!
oh yeah...PBS nails it...once again