next, i find out that the one radio station that made me excited to turn on the radio has folded and become...ugh, how to describe this without promoting it in any's now a station who's airtime is bought and paid for, in its entirety by a major local strip there are no commercials, just sad little teases to promote the club...and the name...well, they've named themselves after the most prominant feature on the on the show club dance floor...i'll let you figure it out...the music is not all bad...just mostly's exactly what you would expect to hear in a strip club...just subtract the writhing naked flesh and the overpriced drinks and you can make the inside of your car as soulless and depressing as closing time on a slow night...strike two...
have you ever worked for someone who wants to impress you how much smarter they are than you, but they're actually not...strike three...
so here i am, trying to prevent my day from being an entire waste...let's try this...

Wind und Welle by Franz von Stuck...another pre WWII German painter has captured my, it seems Stuck has personified the interplay between wind and the sea and turned it into something beyond wonderful...
yes, that'll do...