i like to cook...every once in a while, i manage to make something so damn good, i have to tell folks about it...this is my simple, and delicious chili recipe...
step 1...
chop equal measures of garlic and shallots...what you see here is equal to one fistful of each...
this looks like a lot, but i'm making a week's worth of food for two...
step 2...
in a 1 quart skillet, saute with oil and seasonings to taste...i like to use a combination of ginger, paprika, coriander, and...some other stuff...use what you like...
step 3...
brown the meat...i've read some recipes that call for three kinds of ground meat...pork, beef, and lamb, or, sometimes a poultry...this is also a good combination for meatloaf and meatballs...me, i like to start with 1 lb of chorizo...
Polidori is an old italian sausage company here in Denver...i usually go with Boulder Sausage, but this is what was in the supermarket...
i like to start with the chorizo for obvious reasons...the swine has to be well cooked...
and then i add 1 lb of ground chicken...
and 1 lb of turkey...
seasoning appropriately along the way...
stir and mix the ground meat while it browns...next, you start the rest of the chili...and here comes the easy part...
step 4...
for every pound of ground meat, add 1 can of black beans, and 1 can of diced tomatoes into your slow cooker, or crock pot...i know, i know...until our garden starts churning out fresh beans and tomatoes, the canned stuff will have to do...
and don't worry if you don't have a crock pot...a 1 quart saucepan, or, preferably a cast iron skillet, will work fine...after the meat is completely browned...like this...
mix the meat into the beans and tomatoes...carefully...aaaand...
step 5...
cover, and leave on high, or simmer if you're using a skillet...for three hours...stirring once every hour...
damn, i need a bigger crock pot...or, maybe one of these...

happy eating...