the physical vigor that i assumed started eroding away five years still in full effect...
and i am a stubborn...non team plated...
in other news...
you know all about our snow here...thanks to WALL-TO-WALL TEAM COVERAGE...but you may be suprised to learn that we have a snow shovel shortage...yes you read that right...i have a wife likes to call these moments...james conspiracy theories...
this theory is...the shovel shortage is a ploy to get us to buy snow blowers...
BTW, Today is Rudyard Kipling's birthday...
here's a sample from a master storyteller...
The beginning of everything was in a railway train upon the road to Mhow from Ajmir. There had been a Deficit in the Budget, which necessitated traveling, not Second-class, which is only half as dear as First-class, but by Intermediate, which is very awful indeed. There are no cushions in the Intermediate class, and the population are either Intermediate, which is Eurasian, or native, which for a long night journey is nasty, or Loafer, which is amusing though intoxicated."