as peopple prepare for the greeting card holliday that is supposed to be a celebration of love...i humbly offer a meditaion on the nature of love...
all of my thoughts and feelings about love can be summed up with one question; is love a verb, or a noun...
its a simple question really... but...most people...when you ask them...will look at you...puzzled...and say...what do you mean...
if love is a noun, then it is a thing that can be possesed...a thing that can be quantified...traded...bought...sold...and hoarded...
if love is a verb, then it is an action...a behavior that that can be observed...judged...taught...learned...and shared...
the dictionary says it's both...and experience tells me that...most of life neither black nor white...but fluctuating shades of grey...sometimes one thing...sometimes another...
love strikes me as one of the complicated as it can also seems to be fairly simple...
is love a noun, or a verb...
which one do you chose...
Johnny Cash Loves You!