if you've seen it, you probably love it...if you don't love it...please...watch it again...if you don't love it after seeing it again...seek immediate resuscitation...for your cold, dead heart...
curled up on the couch with my wife last night...blissed out as the credits rolled...my thoughts drifted to what happens next for amelie and nino...
this is an important question for storytellers...what happens after finding love...we're happy to tell the boy meets girl...boy and girl fall in love story...but love...even toxic love...is a transformative thing...it changes things...it changes people...and not always for the better...
the stuff that happens afterwards...that's the good stuff...for example...
in the past week i've seen a handful of women weeping in public...when things happen in clusters like that...it's difficult to ignore...i guess it's heartbreak season...summer flings have fallen dead before they could blossom come springtime...
love, sex, greed, death...these subjects hold unending fascination for me...
Johnny Cash Loves You!