80 year olds are dropping...like...[insert favorite death cliche]...Miller...Bellow...Wojtyła...Short...who's suprised...really...it's got me thinking though...if i should turn out to be...tough enough...smart enough...lucky enough...to make it to 80...chances are i won't be the vital kind...based on my choices...i will most likely turn out to be...withered...decrepit...croaking on about how the wold is falling apart between oxygen puffs...if so...hire a hitman...tie a knot in my feedign tube...kick my walker...if i make it to 80...i will have had a mighty good run...
better than my parents...based on genetics...i'll be lucky to see 60...neither of my parents did...iif i start to fall prey to the things that killed them...i might just choose the HST solution...
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