saw this on the train...ashes and snow...interesting...
this kicks ass...story corps...please support should be nationwide...
i love the mets new marketing year is gotta be kidding me...all of a sudden they can erase years of...neglected talent...mismanagement...overpriced's gonna be a long summer...they might make a good showing...and if they manage to sneak into the playoffs...i don't expect much...
i really like my brother's taste in art...
i needed to kill some i caught the new woody allen picture...hey, i was in's the thing...the last time i had a good time watching a woody allen movie was deconstructing was was funny...when i heard the premise of this one...i was intrigued...the same story is told as a tragedy...and as a comedy...stories about storytelling...metastories...can be very entertaining...think adaptation...think deconstructing i went in optimistic...too bad...
the tragedy part was dull...and the comedy part...while funny...just couldn't send it home...will ferrell helps...a lot...but...all the while i kept thinking about how much would have been to have woody playing the woody allen role...nonetheless...ferrell did an excellent's a thankless task pretending to be woody allen...overall the whole thing felt like a first excellent opportunity to do something fun and stimulating...just not this time...
then, to my the subway...offering free stess tests...with their funky machines...right next to racks of the dianetics book...i think the last time i saw such aggressive recruiting tactics was when i joined the marine corps...
this has to be my favorite part of manhattan...
i don't really know why...
maybe it has to do with the fact that this was the neighborhood my father grew up in...before they tore it build lincoln center...this is where they shot the exteriors for west side story...this is where my grandfather moved his family to...from new jersey...and made his name as the hottest jazz pianist of his time...
i don't know...i just like it here...there's something about it...
that was my trip to new york...not counting all the hospital and family stuff...
Johnny Cash Loves You!