"The obvious road is almost always the fool's road" William Burroughs
February 26, 2009
February 23, 2009
strays, and randomness...
completely unrelated...
on friday the AVClub reported on others reporting on a new internet meme that the kids are having fun with...click random article on wikipedia...click random page on wikiquote...click on interesting photos of the last 7 days on flickr...
and you have your new band name (wikipedia page)...the title of your first album (no more than the last 5 words of the last quote on wikiquote) ...and your album cover (chose an appropriate photo)...here's one of my favorites...

February 21, 2009
my friend Andy is livecasting...
catch it here: (or go to http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-supafly-bungalow)
Online video chat by Ustream
7pm Mountain, 9pm Eastern, 6pm pacific...central, you can do the math...
February 20, 2009
Imagine a workplace...
Imagine a workplace...where the only person who wants to jump into the leadership vacuum...has neither the skills nor disposition to do so...but is looking for a promotion anyway...
Imagine a workplace...where the rest of your co-workers are apathetic, argumentative, congenitally lazy, chaotic, malcontents...
Imagine a workplace...where they handle the administration of your pay and benefits as if you were an adversary...and you had to triple check everything...because you don't trust them...
Imagine a workplace...where you just want to do an honest day's work for an honest day's pay...be treated like an adult...like a professional...and you wanted to work along side other adults...professionals...
James P. Johnson
Showing up is not enough.
February 16, 2009
i learned something new today...
and ms. scribe keeps telling me that this show is a waste of time...we'll see what she thinks the next time i get strapped into a straight jacket...
February 15, 2009
I have a character who kills herself...
anyway, i'm beginning to reconsider her method...for the following reasons...
too generic...maybe i watch too many movies, but this seems to be the preferred method of suicidal girls in the 20th century...really...all i need is a bathtub of hot water and Michael Stipe in the background wailing...everybody hurts...
the other reason i want to change it is...i like this character...if she has to die...yes, she does...and if it has to be by her own hand...yes, again...i want it to have some meaning...yet not be dramatic just for the sake of drama...
besides...i have an idea...something i've noticed for a long time, and just realized how i can write about it...
but i bring this up here because i want to hear your thoughts...and reactions...
like i said...this is the work...
on a completely unrelated note...
i pick up business cards...really...you don't want to see the stack of bent, crumpled, and completely irrelevant business cards i've collected over the years...
i would have never encountered these wonderful artist websites if I hadn't picked up some random card...

February 13, 2009
Your word of the week...
Crepuscular- Of or like twilight; dim:
one of those fancy words that fancy people like to use to describe this phenomena when language is just not enough to convey part of the magic of being alive...while it looks good, and has a nice sound...say it...cray-pus-q-lar...it doesn't come close to capturing what it attempts to describe...it sounds more like a medical term...for some kind of bodily function..leakage perhaps...i would rather go with something more mundane...say, twilight...
February 9, 2009
my bed of nails is sharper than yours...
and then i realize that notion is very romanticized...i know a handful of musicians...and it's very easy for me to sit on the sidelines and run my mouth...but after someone dropped this interview with Monique Ortiz into my Inbox...
i realized that it's the same story for most the musicians i know...
Andy Ard works to support his family and still finds a way to scrape together an album...and promote it on local radio...
February 8, 2009
these words have been ringing in my head since I first read them...my initial reaction was to do this:
good anything starts with good fundamentals, followed by good ideas, finished by good execution. And greatness follows only in the laborious improvement of all three.
that right there is a lifetime of wisdom...this is the reason why I like the way Jason Sheehan writes...he gets it...I'd have a beer or three with that dude...
meanwhile, I'll use those two sentences to keep my compass pointed towards true North...
February 6, 2009
allow me to introduce you to my inner nerd...
via wired
February 3, 2009
never too late...for second chances...
January is usually the month I find myself playing catch up with things I missed the previous year...or giving a second chance to stuff I chose to ignore...that's where most of the items on this list come from...

Cool Calm Pete, Lost The Album- One of those mechanical recommendations from Last.fm or emusic. They got this one right. Pete's got that old New York style flow and a sense of humor. Read more here.