February 25, 2007

i learned something today...

there are only 850 words that make up the basis of basic english...somehow...i already knew that...

what i learned was...the term basic english...is also an official title for...one of the many languages people purposefully created...as opposed to the living languages...that constantly evolve...on our tongues...and in our ears...

now i've heard of esperanto...but...i knew nothing about it...especially...that it's part of...over 100 years of human effort to create...something like a universal language...this new information...fascinates me...

digging a little deeper...i discover this effort is not limited to business and politics...but also includes...more imaginative...endeavors...

somewhere down the line...i can see myself really diving...furthur...into this subject...

btw...update on bsb...10 chapters left...

February 12, 2007

it had to happen...

i knew this day was coming...

i hoped later...rather than...now...

i have to stop drinking...my body...my liver, to be exact...

has had enough...well...it was inevitable...

February 7, 2007

and then...one day...it clicks...

after over a year of germinating a single idea...a few random words from a theatre review...and a very powerful essay by a soldier...suddenly...i know what the novel i want to write is going to be about...

February 5, 2007


well...they finally got around to clearing some of the snow out of our neighborhood...

see below...

it's hard to grasp what a monumental effort it is to clear the whole city until you get up close...

that's about a foot of ice...rutted ice...

it took all day...but they got most of it..